Developmental Disabilities Network Training- Eau Claire


Developmental Disabilities Network Training Events

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Conversations about Interpersonal Safety in Providing Long Term Care

A New Focus for 2015 4-hour Ethics and Boundaries Training Register Form

Who should attend?

  • Adult and child social workers
  • Families , guardians and self advocates
  • Provider staff, care manage rs, case managers, brokers 
  • County protective services, children's services staff
  • Managed care organizations
  • Other staff working with frail elders, children or adults with physical or intellectual disabilities

Can we support people to be safe through positive interaction, communication, and teaching -- rather than through control, confinement, and strict rules? How can we think about protection without limiting opportunities?

It might seem unnecessary to suggest the importance of having conversations about safety for individuals who have long term support needs and are very closely monitored. Family members and paid sup- port people are ever present. And yet, advocates report that two of the most frequent comments heard during disclosures of abuse from victims/survivors with disabilities are: “ he told me to” and “ I have to be nice”.  And, the people they are talking about were not strangers but known to them.

What is our responsibility, duty, obligation to a person who receives support? What is the right thing to do? This is the language of ethics. During this session we want to explore the ethics of what we do not talk about enough and how we can at least consider starting some new conversations.