Ethics and Boundaries Training – NE Wisconsin


DD Network with Lakeland Care District serving seven Northeast Wisconsin counties

North East, Wisconsin

Who Decides, the Elephant or its Rider?

A New Focus for 2016 4-hour Ethics and Boundaries Training

Who should attend?

  • Adult and child social workers
  • Families , guardians and self advocates
  • Provider staff, care manage rs, case managers, brokers 
  • County protective services, children's services staff
  • Managed care organizations
  • Other staff working with frail elders, children or adults with physical or intellectual disabilities

We once said “Seeing is believing.” Research has revealed that eyewitnesses are often unreliable. We still turn to experts but it turns out that experts can be biased.

We have thought that making ethical decisions and taking ethical actions are a sequential, rational process. Now, we are learning that trying to work rationally does not automatically include ethics.

One important question is: In moments of decision and action, are you saying and doing what you thought you would say and do?

During this session, we will look at our everyday work in the context of some newer findings about how we are built to make decisions. We invite you to consider your process and practice of ethics through this newer and possibly less familiar lens.