This video accompanies training that Peter provides for which the target audience would be those in direct support roles and mid-level managers of organizations supporting people where the word “behavior” is regularly used.
Time for an addition to your training resources library??
New video is here! New video is here! If you liked my last video, Doing Our Best Work, you’ll love this one. If you didn’t like the other video, you’ll still love this one. And if you never saw the other video, you should buy both right now!
Contact me for Bulk DiscountsIntroducing 7 Ways to Cause Prevent a Crisis, another training/conversation-prompting video peppered with humor, music, and overall quirkiness looking at the importance of paying attention to seven areas of support to reduce the likelihood of “challenging behavior” leading to crisis. You didn’t miss the trailer at the top of this page, did you?
- Build good relationships
- Make the good match
- Help supporters get to know the whole person
- Make truly person centered plans
- Make sure home feels like home
- Provide safety, comfort, and familiarity
- Listen for the person’s deepest needs and desires
In this 17-minute video, Peter looks at ten essential components of quality direct support. A video for training and discussion with people providing or coordinating direct support, Doing Our Best work is based on a workshop Peter offers, and its production was supported by the New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities ( )
- Believing in positive possibilities
- Building community relationships
- Listening deeply
- Working as a team
- Embracing curiosity
- Understanding the power of language
- Supporting people through relationships with them
- Asking “What brings out the best in this person?”
- Having power with, not power over
- Questioning structures and policies that limit people
Lookout, Sundance!
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It’s easy. Send me money. The CDs are $10 each. You can either
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- Email me and tell me how many dozen — I mean how many — you’d like, and tell me where to send them. Then send me money. If you could add a couple bucks for postage, great.
- Or just send the money (checks are fine): my mailing info
- If you live in the Madison area, you can request personal delivery! I will deliver your CD to your door and SING to you. Yes, this costs more, but it is (not) worth it!
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