David Pitonyak

I have enjoyed working with Peter Leidy for the past few years. He has spent much of his professional life working with and listening to people who provide direct support. His insights about what our system can do to better support them are illuminating and direct.

And he sings! It is hard for me to imagine anyone better able to sing about the foibles of our service system than Peter Leidy. That’s right — to sing about our historical wrong doings, our professional arrogance, the funny ways we waste our time. And to do it in a way that makes me laugh over and over again.

But that’s not the half of it. In every stanza, in every song, I hear hope about this profession and helping professionals. Peter believes in the likes of you and me. He knows we are capable of helping people to live real lives in ordinary, everyday places. He sings about our potential. He sings about our possibility!